Friday, November 21, 2008


Ever wake up in the morning with that feeling like what the hell happened last night, and whose bed am I in? Turned out I was in Co-worker's bed (thank goodness) and got really drunk last night. Good times! I don't remember that much, except driving to Co-worker's house after the bar, although technically I don't remember the drive just getting there. I remember showing up at his house and he was watching The Office and I might have said marry me because I love that show. My clothes came off in the living room and this morning when I woke up I felt like the sex was really good last night. We've only slept together a handful of times, but it was starting to get a little boring, like the same thing every night. It did not feel like that last night at all! I'm a total black-out drunk, regardless of if I've had 2 drinks or 9 so the fact that I remember anything last night deserves a pat on the back. Hope the weekend is as fun as I remembered last night to be :)

Co-worker always walks me to the door when I am leaving. He could just stay in bed, but he gets up, kisses me good-bye and generally asks me if he'll be seeing me later. This morning he did not ask that, which could be because we work together tonight so of course he is going to see me, or because he is going to visit his girlfriend or whatever she is (the girl he used to date who worked with us, but moved). Update on this situation later.


Dr Zibbs said...

Need to hear more about this.

So@24 said...

I wish I had nights where I woke up from blacked out sex. Man that's sweet.

saratogajean said...

Even if you couldn't remember details, I'm glad you could tell it was good.

I mean, that's gotta mean something.