Sunday, December 7, 2008

I can't think of a title

Well, well, well. If you read through the entire last post, thank you. If not, I understand. That was a long one!

I feel as though there are a lot of updates to get to...let's start things off with Co-worker. When we last left off, Co-worker had his girlfriend in town, even though in his mind they are not together. I told other co-workers that Co-worker and I were sleeping together and in my drunken state, wanted to tell his girlfriend we were sleeping together. Not a smart move...thank goodness I didn't. Co-worker called on Wednesday to see if I wanted to come over. I politely declined. On Thursday, Co-worker sent a text about The Office being on that night. I text him back saying don't try and lure me to your house with tv shows. I already told you if you sleep with girlfriend, we can not sleep together. He text back get over yourself. He won an award at the Christmas party. I text him to let him know last night. We continued to text back and forth and I have a feeling I will sleep with him again, which is of course, a horrible idea! But hey, sometimes a girl needs some loving right?

He Who Shall Not Be Named has cooled it with the text messaging. His birthday is in 3 weeks. I want to e-mail, but don't know if I should.

Last night I met a new guy. Let me preface this by saying that in the town I live in there's about 20 to 1 ratio of guys to girls. You would think this would be amazing which it can be in the free drink department, but there are really a lot of scum bags too. I started talking to a guy who I thought his name was Justin, but apparently it's Travis. Oops! Well he knows and I think works with 2 other scum bags I dated/slept with. This could be bad, but we'll see.

Hung out with my ex-friend's ex-boyfriend for a few days...following that? There is something about being a we instead of me that is so much better and I want that and I guess I feel a little lonely. I also watched Grey's Anatomy this morning and it made me cry. Something about Alex confessing his love made me feel lonely. I guess I just have to assume that the perfect guy is out there for me. In other news, I did rock the hottest dress to the holiday party! You know you can't get a picture but maybe if you e-mail me, we can be like facebook friends or something :)


So@24 said...

Mental note: never visit the town where Famously Single lives.

slopmaster said...

come on!! picture! tit for tat?