Sunday, January 11, 2009

If you think it, he will come

Recently a friend of mine said the only way to truly get what you want is to envison and know exactly what you want specifically. She asked me what I wanted in a man, and was surprised to find I know exactly what I want. She said me knowing this means that eventually I will find him. Let's hope she's right! So here's what I told her I wanted:

*Must be attractive, like other people wish they were dating him
*My mom should adore him
*Romantic: random notes, flowers, surprises me
*Wakes up every morning wanting to make me happy (Don't worry, I'll do the same!)
*When he gets home from work he'll want to compete in Wii or that kareoke game that is super fun
*Likes to travel
*MUST be accepting of gay marriage
*Talks to my brother on a regular basis because he wants to
*Successful (this does not mean has a lot of money)
*Has a lot of money...I kid, I kid
*Can fulfill my sexual fantasies, meaning he's good in bed
*Communicates well
*Is ok that we will never spend Christmas morning at his parent's house, always mine
*Be good at Catch Phrase with me as his partner
*Likes to do physical activities
*Social...we should be the couple people want to invite over
*Will sing along crazy to the song on the radio, dance crazy with me like no one is watching...I guess he should just be crazy!
*Will surprise me with Disney on Ice or concert tickets, because I love having tickets to ANYTHING
*Loves me unconditionally
*Can put me in my place when I get out of hand, or doesn't let me walk all over them (I need a man who can wear the pants, but let me think I'm wearing them :) )

I'm sure the list is far from over, but the thing is, we get our ideals from movies, other people's relationships, our own previous relationships, and what we feel we deserve. All the guys I meet, I know instantly they are Right Now's, not Just Right. A teacher of mine in high school once said you need to pick three qualities and use that to determine your husband, because it's hard to find someone who is everything. Sure this list is very precise, but overall I don't think it's horrible. The guy who fulfills all of this is out there right? What's your list?


Dr Zibbs said...

Have you ever tried online dating?

Allison M. said...

How about "let's you control the radio."

Well, at least some of the time.

slopmaster said...

humm, the fact that you make a list means you're insecure and are way too quick to judge :)

ok, it doesn't mean that, but the list is silly. The worst one is that he won't want to spend any holidays with HIS family. I guess you're looking for an old man.

Elwood said...

Making a list for the hell of it sounds fun. I wouldn't take it too seriously, but I guess it's good to knwo what you want. I have a hard time knowing what I want. I'll try to post one on my blog soon.

Famously Single said...

Wait a minute slopmaster! I didn't say EVERY holiday. Just Christmas morning I want to wake up with my family. Christmas Eve, after Christmas morning, I can be all about my man's family, but I want Christmas morning for my family

Anonymous said...

I think that making a list of what you want for anything is a good idea. When YOU know what your looking for and have a precise picture of it, there is no mistaking it when you find it. Your list is your list. We all have them, that is why we find some people attractive and not others. Good for you for making a list. Keep it in the back of your mind and before you know it, you will find your prince charming who will want to wake up to your family on christmas morning!!!